Premium dog food pets Made in Germany

Happy Dog
Product World

Happy Dog Trockenfutter represents healthy dog nutrition of the highest quality "Made in Germany". Our premium dog food is particularly balanced, easily digestible, and rich in high-quality animal proteins. Thanks to our natural nutrition concept, all varieties of food are free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, as well as added sugars. The gentle preparation of natural and high-quality raw materials ensures 100% balanced and high-quality nutrition for your dog.

Premium dog food for your four-legged friend

A healthy and balanced diet is the foundation for a long and active life for your dog. That's why a targeted selection of the right food for your dog is essential. Whether you opt for premium dry food or wet dog food, both types of food provide your dog with all the important nutrients he needs. Often, the dog decides with its personal preference whether to have dry premium food or premium wet food in the bowl. However, ultimately, the quality of the food is crucial.

But what exactly is premium dog food?

By premium dog food, we mean high-quality dog food that is prepared only from the best ingredients in a gentle manufacturing process. Only natural ingredients are used, preferably from local production. Another characteristic of high-quality nutrition is a high meat content in the dog food. Both the selection of our high-quality raw materials and the gentle preparation are carried out in accordance with the highest quality standards. Our commitment to the highest quality pays off because our customers have named Happy Dog the Best Dog Food Brand in Germany.

Dry Dog Food

The advantage of dry food for your dog is that intensive biting and chewing of the dry food pellets strengthen the teeth and clean the teeth through abrasion. In addition, dry food does not spoil as quickly as wet food and is cheaper. However, your dog should always have fresh water available when fed with dry food, as dry food contains little moisture. Premium dry food is very energy-rich, so you must strictly adhere to the recommended feeding amount. This can vary depending on the size and activity level of your dog.

Premium Wet Food

Wet dog food contains much more moisture than dry food, as the name suggests. Even when feeding your dog wet food, he should always have a water bowl available. Especially for dogs prone to drinking too little, feeding wet food can be beneficial because the necessary amount of liquid is reduced due to the high moisture content in the wet food.
If you feed your dog a combination of dry and wet food, then you resort to a mixed feeding. Your dog then receives, for example, dry food in the morning and wet food in the evening. With mixed feeding, the advantages of both feeding methods can be combined.
Whether wet food, dry food, or mixed feeding - all these feeding methods are generally suitable for all adult dogs from small to large breeds. If your dog has special requirements for his food, for example, if he has a sensitive digestion, suffers from allergies, or has food intolerances, then diet and specialty food are better suited for him.

Grain-Free Dog Food with Vegetables

Premium dog food for puppies, adults, or senior dogs, according to our nutrition concept, contains as its main ingredient meat, for example, from chicken, duck, beef, or lamb. Also, fish such as salmon is used as a protein source for high-quality dog food. In addition, in Happy Dog dog food, depending on the variety, potatoes or rice are included as a source of carbohydrates and vegetables. The tasty dog food recipes are enhanced with beneficial herbs.
Especially for sensitive dogs, for whom grain-free food is more easily digestible, our Happy Dog wet food cans, containing valuable meat or fish from only one species, are ideally suited. The Happy Dog wet food consists of 100% animal protein and is produced without grain, soy, and added sugar.
In our online shop, we offer you the complete range of all Happy Dog dog food varieties. We are sure that you will find the right food for your beloved one!

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